Advanced Procedures

At Leon Springs Dental Center, we're dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive list of dental services that will meet your needs. This includes general dentistry services like dental sealants and fillings, restorative dentistry like dentures, full-mouth reconstruction, and cosmetic dentistry, including smile makeovers. We also offer periodontal treatments like root canal therapy, and advanced dentistry like Solea® Snore Therapy, CT scans, and oral surgery. To learn more about our extensive list of services offered, browse below.


General Dentistry

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants protect the teeth from further decay and are a great treatment for children and adults alike.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Tooth-colored fillings can be made of porcelain or resin to match the patient's natural teeth while protecting them from decay and damage.

Restorative Dentistry

Dental Implants

Dental implants replace the tooth root to provide a secure fit for a long-lasting solution to one missing tooth or several.

Hybridge Dental Implants

Hybridge dental implants are permanent fixtures made of titanium that work to transform the smile of those with chronic dental issues.

Dental Crowns

In case of a damaged or worn-down tooth, you or your child may require a dental crown.


Leon Springs Dental Center is pleased to offer both full and partial removable dentures to men and women who need dental renovation.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge can be a fixed or removable device that is used to restore the look and function of a tooth that is severely damaged or decayed.

Full-Mouth Reconstruction

Full-mouth reconstruction can correct genetic disorders and complex issues involving all or multiple missing teeth, a degenerated jawbone, or trauma.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Porcelain Veneers

Patients who need minimally invasive dental repairs are typically good candidates for porcelain veneers since they hide minor aesthetic issues.

Smile Makeover

A smile makeover can include any number of procedures, like veneers and whitening, designed to improve a patient’s smile for an enhanced appearance.

ClearCorrect Aligners

ClearCorrect invisible aligners offer an option other than traditional metal braces to help align your bite and straighten your teeth gradually.

Teeth Whitening

For a brighter smile, laser whitening treatments and custom home teeth whitening kits remove food and drink stains from the surface of the teeth.

Dental Bonding and Contouring

Dental bonding and contouring is a cosmetic treatment that fixes gaps, lengthens teeth, and improves the shape to provide an enhanced smile.


Root Canal Therapy

A root canal is a specialized procedure that removes bacteria and infected pulp within a damaged tooth to promote optimal healing and dental health.

Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing targets the gums to remove bacteria, tartar, and plaque buildup for healthier gums and protection against gingivitis.

Advanced Dentistry

TMJ Therapy

TMJ therapy relieves pain from temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) with a variety of treatments chosen based on the patient's level of severity.

Solea® Snore Therapy

Solea Snore Therapy in San Antonio, TX works by using low-laser energy to tighten and stiffen the collagen in your soft palate to reduce vibrations.

CT Scan

CT scans in San Antonio, TX help our team gather comprehensive images to discern what causes you to have your symptoms or other dental issues.

Night Guards

A custom night guard can protect the mouth from clenching and grinding for a better night’s sleep and fewer oral health problems.

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery in our San Antonio, TX office addresses complex issues related to the teeth, jaw, or gums, including wisdom teeth removal and crowding.
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.